
Plataforma Solar de Almería

University of Almería (ARM group)

University of Huddersfield

Patricia Palenzuela Ardila

She is researcher in the Solar Thermal Applications unit at CIEMAT-PSA since 2008.  She is Chemical Engineer (2006) and Doctor (2012), both by the University of Almería. Her main research lines are: efficiency improvement of thermal desalination systems by the use of membrane-based pretreatments and heat pumps, and sustainable water management in CSP plants by water recovery technologies and innovative refrigeration systems. She has participated in 23 R&D projects, is co-author of 43 scientific papers (JCR index) and of 52 international conferences. She is author of 2 books and 3 book chapters, has co-directed 2 doctoral thesis and is currently co-directing 1.

Lidia Roca Sobrino

She is researcher of CIEMAT-PSA since 2012, with an extraordinary doctorate award. She received the Electronic Engineering degree from the University of Granada in 2004 and has a Master in solar Energy by the University of Almería (2007). She currently belongs to Solar Thermal Applications unit of PSA. She has participated in 19 R&D projects and is co-author of 42 scientific papers (JCR index). She has co-directed 2 doctoral thesis and is currently co-directing 1. Her main research lines are: modelling, control and optimization of systems operated by thermal solar energy.

Diego-César Alarcón Padilla

PhD in Physics, senior researcher at PSA, coordinator of the Solar Desalination Unit. Expert in solar thermal desalination and cogeneration processes. He has 22 years of experience in the design, modelling, simulation and experimental assessment of solar thermal desalination and absorption heat pump technologies. He has been involved in more than 20 R+D projects and several contracts with private companies. He has a h-factor of 26 and 2566 citations (Scopus, 09/12/21). Regarding official recognitions of research merits, for the contractual period (2001-2020), he has four “quinquenios” (CEDACT) and three “sexenios” (CNEAI). He is co-author (2011-2021 between parentheses): 57(43) peer-reviewed SCI papers, 5(3) books, 8(4) chapter books, 11 (1) articles in technical magazines, 3(3) PhD theses supervised, and 110(43) conference papers.

Julián Blanco Gálvez

Dr. Julian Blanco (Industrial Engineer by Seville Univ., 1985 and PhD by the Univ. of Almeria, 2003) has more than 35 years of experience having worked at different sectors. He works at the PSA since 1990 and he has been involved in 26 EU and 18 National R&D+i projects (respectively coordinating 7 and 3) related to the development of solar energy and water-related technologies (public calls). Additional professional positions included: Operating Agent of the Int. Energy Agency SolarPACES Program – Task VI (Solar Energy & Water Processes and Applications), Spanish alternate member of Executive Committee of IEASolarPACES Program, and coordinator of Joint Program on CSP of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA). Author of 1 book and co-author of 10 books as well as 24 chapters in others. He has also co-authored more than 90 publications in indexed international journals, more than 60 articles in technical journals, more than 250 contributions to more than 200 different International Congress and Symposiums and 5 patents.

Javier Bonilla Cruz

He graduated in Computer Engineering in 2004, obtained a Master in Advanced Computing in 2008 and the phD in 2013 with an extraordinary doctorate award by the University of Almería. He is currently researcher at CIEMAT-PSA and has participated in research projects related to modelling and simulation and optimization of solar thermal processes: parabolic trough collectors, solar desalination, thermal storage and hybridization with other energy sources. He has contributed in international conferences and he is co-auhor of several papers in JCR journals. He has directed 2 doctoral thesis.

Bartolomé Ortega Delgado

He is Industrial Engineer (2011), Master in Thermal Energy Systems (2013) and Doctor in Energy, Chemical and Environmental Engineering (2016) by the University of Seville. He is currently postdoctoral researcher at PSA-CIEMAT. His main research lines are the solar desalination systems for a sustainable water production using thermal and membrane-based desalination technologies fed by thermal conccentrating energy and waste heat.

Juan Miguel Serrano Rodríguez

He completed his studies in Industrial Electronic Engineering at the University of Almeria in 2019, a year later he finished the double degree agreement with the Università degli Studi di Brescia obtaining the degree of "Dottore in Ingegneria dell'Automazione Industriale". After finishing his Master's degree in Industrial Engineering at the University of Almeria, he started his PhD at the Plataforma Solar de Almeria - CIEMAT. He specializes in automation and programming applied to various fields and processes, which allows him to exploit his curious nature.

Juan Diego Gil Vergel

Juan D. Gil received the B.S. degree in industrial electronic engineering, the M.S. degree in advanced and industrial computing, the M.S. degree in industrial engineering, and the Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University of Almería, Spain, in 2015, 2016, 2019, and 2020, respectively, and the Laurea degree in ingegneria dell’automazione industriale from the University of Brescia, Italy, in 2016. He is currently an Assistant Professor of automatic control and systems engineering with the University of Almería. His research activity is mainly focused on the implementation of hierarchical and predictive control strategies for solar-powered membrane desalination systems and solar thermal systems. He has participated in 9 R&D projects and is co-author of 21 scientific papers (JCR index). He is currently co-directing 2 doctoral thesis.

Faisal Asfand

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He is a Senior Lecturer in Thermofluids engineering at the University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom. He obtained his PhD from University of Rovira i Virgilli, Tarragona, in fluid thermodynamics engineering and his PhD research was focused on the numerical analysis of innovative membrane-based components for absorption cooling systems. He is an established researcher in the area of thermofluids engineering and his research activities are aimed at developing innovative thermal energy systems and improving the energy performance of existing energy systems.  He has expertise in thermodynamic modelling of power and cooling cycles and CFD analysis of thermal energy systems. He has been involved in several projects, including H2020 projects and his research interest covers a wide range of areas around low-carbon thermal energy systems including, waste heat to power conversion technologies (ORC, sCO2), absorption refrigeration and heat pumps, hybrid renewable energy systems, co-generation systems, thermal energy storage and management.